Aeg on hakata sügiseks plaane tegema.
28.-29.11 toimub Tartus meie sügisene üldkoosolek. Neljapäevase päeva ning reede hommiku täidab eeskujuliku programmiga lasteortopeedia (lektoritena Muharrem Yacizi, Bjärne Moller Madsen, Ignacio Sanpera ja ilmselt veel keegi; programm allpool), reedel alates 11:30 jätkub kava Eesti Artroplastika Seltsi sessioonidega teemal "Kuidas saavutada artroplastika parem tulemuslikkus?" ja meie seltsi üldkoguga. Registreerimisel, kui see avaneb, saab kindlasti valida endale sobiva osa - või kõik; täpsem registreerimisinfo saabub, kui programm lukus.
8:30- 8:40 Reception and Welcome
8:40-9:00: Uniqueness of Fractures in children
9:00-9:10. Clavicle fractures
9:20-9:30: Proximal and Midshaft humeral fractures
9:30-10:00 Interactive cases
10:00-10:15: Supracondylar fractures in children
10:15:10:30. Management of complicated supracondylar fractures
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:30. Interactive cases
11:30-11:40. Lateral condyle fractures
11:40-11:50 Other injuries around the elbow
11:50-12:00 Radial head injuries and olecranon fractures
12:00-12:30 Interactive cases
12: 30-13:30 lunch
13:30-13:40 Forearm fractures
13:40-13:50 Fractures around the wrist
13:50-14:20 Interactive cases
14:20- 14:40 Presentation of upper limb fractures cases by participants
14:40-14:50 Fractures around the hip
14:50-15:00 Femoral fractures in young children
15:00-15:30 Femoral Fractures in the older children
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-16:15 Physeal fractures around the knee
16:15-16:25 Diaphyseal tibial fractures
16:25-16:40 Fractures around the ankle
16:40- 17:10 Interactive cases
17:10-17:30 Summary of the Day
Day 2:
8:30-9:00 Presentation of cases lower limb trauma by the audience
9:00-9:15 Osteomyelitis
9:15-9:30 Septic Arthritis
9:30-9:45 Interactive cases
9:45-10:00 Approach to bone dysplasias
10:00-10:15 introduction to benign tumorus
10:15-10:30 How to approach a suspicious bone lesion
10:30-10:50 Interactive cases
10:50-11:00 Summary and Adjourn
Lisaks ootab meid 21.11. Tallinnas Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla lülisambakirurgiakeskuse seljakirurgiakonverents, mille info on manuses ja lingil